By IT Support Team on Friday, 08 September 2023
Category: Insights

7 Security Measures Essential to Robust IT Support

No one can argue that IT support is a fundamental part of any organisation. After all, customer support for both internal and external users facilitates efficient delivery of IT services and helps build strong client relationships. Like any other department in the enterprise however, IT support services are also susceptible to cyber attacks.

If you want to prevent your help desk from falling victim to ever-advancing cyber threats, it’s best to secure your IT support service. In this blog post, we discuss seven vital security measures that are integral to strong IT support. Before that though, it’s important to understand.

Why You Need Secure IT Support Services

Technology serves as the backbone for business operations today. This means organisations are collecting tons of data that include consumer personal information and other sensitive digital assets. Businesses also need to manage numerous devices connecting to corporate resources from any location, and fend off various forms of increasingly-advanced cyber threats.

IT support platforms serve as the interface between the end users of technology and the IT service delivery teams. This gives helpdesk technicians extensive access to employees’ mobile devices, remote workstations, applications, servers― basically, most work systems and the data that come with them.

All these are considered potential attack surfaces. The more IT support teams access data and rely on technology, the more vulnerable they are to cyber hacks. The constant threat of attack is more than enough reason to prioritise the security of your IT support service.

7 Key Security Measures for Your IT Support

Now on to that list. Here are the seven important security practices that can work effectively for the IT support services of any enterprise.

Classify your data and set strict limits for authorised users.

One crucial aspect of maintaining a good security posture is proper classification of data. Data is categorised according to the level of sensitivity, importance, and the protection level required. Once classified, businesses can then determine the right protection measures and allocate resources accordingly. Additionally, setting stringent limits for authorised users is crucial in mitigating risks. This applies to all sectors of the organisation including IT support services.

Support teams need to have access to customer data. But looking up company financial records and employee personal information is not part of their job description. It’s therefore essential that strict access controls to databases and stored data are properly implemented. This prevents unauthorised individuals—employees included, from gaining entry to critical systems. Only those with a legitimate need and access can interact with sensitive data.

Use encryption and multi-factor authentication.

One of the foundations of a secure IT infrastructure is encryption. Encrypting sensitive data protects it from improper access and reduces the risk of data breaches. Multi-factor authentication (MFA) also adds an extra layer of security. Having users provide multiple forms of verification before accessing systems helps ensure that the account owners are the ones logging in to the applications. This significantly addresses the problem that at least 65% of people reuse passwords across different sites.

Encryption and MFA are security measures that can be applied in IT support systems. Help desk platforms are allowed access to databases which make them a prime target for cyber criminals. Encryption provides data a line of defence against these potential threats. Plus, when IT helpdesk technicians implementi two-factor and multi-factor authentication for work applications they help employees protect their login credentials from unauthorised use.

Invest in reliable, automated service desk platforms.

Investing in automation for your service desk platforms is a solid security measure that businesses should consider. Reliable help desk solutions offer features that automates various support tasks such as ticket management and incident resolution, which facilitate timely responses to security-related concerns. 

More importantly, IT support platforms that offer automation also automate threat management.  These platforms usually include advanced features like AI-powered threat detection which effectively boosts the company's security posture. Combine that with their ability to streamline processes and improve incident handling, and you can see why an automated support desk platform is indispensable to your comprehensive IT security strategy.

Conduct security awareness training for IT support technicians.

Human error is a huge factor in data breaches. That’s why part of establishing a robust service desk is ensuring that support technicians understand how important IT security is. This entails conducting security awareness trainings for IT support staff to equip them with the knowledge and skills necessary for identifying and mitigating potential security risks.

Raising awareness on common threats and teaching best data protection practices are needed for IT support teams because they can then pass on the knowledge to employees and other users. These measures include training technicians on safe password management, teaching them how to recognise attacks via social engineering, and guidance on proper handling of sensitive information. All these go a long way into improving the organisation’s overall security.

Utilise firewalls and anti-virus software.

While the traditional castle-moat approach to IT security is no longer as effective today with increasing internal threats, firewalls and anti-virus software can still do a lot in keeping intruders out. Firewalls act as a barrier between internal networks and external threats, monitoring and controlling incoming and outgoing traffic. They help protect against unauthorised access and potentially malicious activities.

Anti-virus software acts as a defense mechanism against malware and viruses which can compromise the integrity of data and operational systems. By utilising both firewalls and anti-virus software into your network, you strengthen the security of your IT infrastructure. You also ensure continued data protection and uninterrupted delivery of IT services to customers.

Perform regular updating of software and systems.

Regular updating of software and systems is of utmost importance for data and systems to remain protected. This long standing practice in the area of security has always played a vital role in mitigating potential vulnerabilities. Security solutions may work effectively in keeping data and applications protected, but remember—threats are evolving quickly. 

Consistently implementing software updates and security patches enable enterprises to stay one step ahead of emerging threats. This proactive approach to system maintenance bodes well for IT support teams too because it means they’re working with updated applications installed within a safe IT environment.

Conduct security audits and vulnerability assessments.

Another way to ascertain that your IT support services are being delivered securely is to conduct security audits and vulnerability assessments. These assessments help identify potential weak points in a system so that they are addressed proactively.

Security audits also help IT support staff detect any vulnerable areas in the support process which can be rife for hacks and social engineering attacks. Preemptive action ensures that systems remain secure from possible cyber attacks and other malicious activity.

Strong Security Equals Effective IT Support Service

Secure IT support services allow enterprises to remain in compliance with regulations, give assurance to customers that their data is well-protected, and ensure business continuity by preventing downtime.

Do you want these benefits for your organisation and IT support system? Talk to us to know more about the security solutions you can deploy.

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